Ouch … one little Taekwondo Warrior on crutches from sparring … but she will be back soon!

Taekwondo Warrior

One little Taekwondo Warrior on crutches from sparring … but she will be back soon!

Katie damaged her knee when sparring in the Beccles dojang on Monday evening, but she was excellently attended to by Mrs Bedingfield, cold pack applied, then a late night follow up to A&E to check the damage. Fortunately soft tissue damage only and will mend soon.

Katie’s Mum said “These things happen when they all try so hard! She’ll mend soon enough and she’s doing her best to not let it stop her! She was looking cheeky in the photo cause it was 1am after a long wait in A&E and she was finding it very amusing trying to figure the crutches out!”

All at Beccles Taekwon-do wish her a speedy recovery.